
Alfred Karl Maria Kreutzberg

Childlike joy

Alfred Karl Maria Kreutzberg’s paintings are an expression of childlike joy and freedom, a celebration. He does not fit into any pigeonhole, unless ni his own. One of the few artists with the highest recognition value. Alfred has had Parkinson’s for over 28 years, which makes his work special.

He jokes about his disability and says he asked God, “Lord, make me tremble so my hands will paint well.” He heard me, made me tremble, but forgot to cancel because he needed time for more important things.

Alfred created works with ink, coloured pencils, acrylic paints and oil. Abstract and expressionistic. It cannot be defined, but is authentic at all times. His pictures open up intuitively to the viewer. Quite dominant are his colours, which, seen close up, run and then disappear and yet, seen from the

and then disappear and yet, seen from a distance, represent something very concrete. They are different at every distance and new in sensation. One discovers the joy of life and its suffering, emphasising his message of happiness for a happy world:

“If everything we experienced had turned out badly, none of us would still be alive!”

His motto: Every day the birth of a new painting is celebrated, rewarded by the joy and feelings of the viewer when he recognises the soul of this painting.
Symbolism of the AKM
In his works 3 symbols appear again and again:
– Heart which stands for love/ Love is more important than oxygen
– fish which stands for freedom/ Freedom is the way to happiness
– cross which stands for happiness/ Happiness is the mirror



Alfred Karl Maria Kreutzberg

Born in Marktbreit, Lower Franconia, in 1947.

– Studied law at the University of Bonn, Munich
– First exhibition at the age of 19 in the archbishop’s vicariate in Essen
– after Parkinson’s disease, he decided to make his work publicly accessible in 2002


2022 Flow Fine Art Gallery (G)
2019 Neuwieds Marktkirche, Neuwied, Germany (E)
2017 Bonn-Vilich-Müldorf, Bonn, Germany (E)
2014 Unkel Historical Society, Unkel, Germany (E)
2013 Galerie Am Rosen Hügel, Island, Hiddensee, Germany (E)
2012 Akm Kreutzberg – Painting Gallery Am Rosenhügel, Siegburg, Germany (E)
2012 Maskerade Gallery Sassen & Edition, Bonn, Germany (G)
2010 The 11 Holiday Days of Akm Galerie am Rosenhügel, Siegburg, Germany (E)
1966 Exhibition at the Archbishop’s Vicarage in Essen Germany (E)