Klaus Schröder

The sculptor Klaus Schröder, Born in 1953, presents a series of works with the matter wood and iron in dialogue, where he uses the creative means of reflection. The different expression of wood and iron Schroeder compensates with the proportions. His abstract work avoids any possibillity of association and is dedicated to the sculpture itself as a form of expression.

Klaus Schröder is known for his mastery of the balancing act mastery of the balancing act between painting and sculpture. His works range from free-standing wooden sculptures to wooden reliefs and combinations of wood and metal, both as floor sculptures and wall objects. What all the works have in common is that the sculptor avoids any surface of association and explores the and explores the possibilities offered by sculpture as an art form in itself. There is no reference to postures or mimetic expression, but the compositions can be perceived sensitively through impressions of lability and static. In contrast to many contemporary sculptors, Klaus Schröder turns to the unspectacular and explores unspectacular and explores the more classical sculptural form through the varied interplay of through the varied interplay of leaving and working. Characteristic are the stronger traces of treatment and a ‘rough’ surface. Here, the wood is not planed and smoothed, but retains its natural character to a large extent.



Klaus Schröder

1953 born in Mülheim
1977 cooperation with different Artists in ven Carrara(Italy)
1983 setup of an atelier in Witten
1985 Foundation of an artist group with Ralf Sablotny und Andreas Steinmann
Since 2004 Foundation of the course methodology-didactics on the Alanus Highschool in Bonn; lectureship


2016 & 2022 Gallery Flow Fine Art, Hitdorf
2015 Ennepetal art space
2014 Gallery Flow Fine Art, Hitdorf
2012 Flow Fine Art Gallery, Hitdorf
2012 Siegerland Museum “NRW Artists
meets Rubens”, Stadtwerke Witten/
Kreishaus Schwelm art auction
Bangladesh, Gallery Epikur, Wuppertal,
Flow Fine Art Gallery, Hitdorf
2010 “Worth seeing” sculpture in Witen, Ruhr.
European Capital of Culture
2009 Epikur Gallery, Wuppertal
Exhibition in favor of the German
Child Protection Association, Lions Club /
Forum Stadtwerke Witten
2008 Art in the Klutert Cave, Ennepetal
Flow Fine Art Gallery, Hitdorf
Permanent representation by the Epikur Gallery,

2006 Hagenring Gallery, Hagen
Zeche Zollverein, Essen, KunstQuadrate
2004 Art Frankfurt, Gallery Epikur
2003 Modular Lighting Germany, Cologne
Federal Chancellery, Berlin Gallery Epicurus,
Wuppertal Willy Brandt House Berlin
EN Nature Art Art Frankfurt
2002 29 years Gallery Epikur, Wuppertal
2001 Gallery Epikur Wuppertal
Kunstverein Speyer Genji Monogatari project
2001 Cologne Art Fair
Gallery Haus Herbede, Witten ART Frankfurt
2000 “Genji Monogatari Project” Fritz Eicher
Art Association Lingen Art Market Dresden,
Gallery Epicurus
1999 Rothenbuchner, Vienna Art Forum Herne
1997 Gotha district directorate Lüdenscheid (E)
Ita Wegmann Therapeutic Center Dortmund (E)
Art Multiple Dusseldorf
Gallery Epicurus Wuppertal

1995 Johanni Conference, Refrath
1994 “Antropos” Free Waldorf School, Dinslaken (G)
Klaus Mager, Orgatec trade fair, Cologne
1993 Gallery Epikur Wuppertal – Gallery at the
Johanneskirche Bochum, bell garden
1993 Steinhausen Castle, Witen • Art in the foyer
Community Hospital Herdecke (E)
Bernhard Rothenbuchner Vienna (E) • Anniversary
Institute Annener Berg, Witten •BleselFineArt
“Encounter” Free Waldorf School, Dinslaken(G)
1992 City Gallery Castrop-Rauxel, intervals
Order of the Diakonie, Evangelical Church
1987 1st work exhibition of Witten artists,
Company Siemens, Gallery St. Jürgens, Lübeck
1985 Gallery Hof Alfrin.Herscheid
Therapeutic, Dortmund
1985 Exhibitions at Silberknapp/Dortmund (G)
1983 joint exhibition of European
Artist “The Question”, Nicodemus Church,
Herdecke, Gertrud Dorn Gallery, Stuttgart