Mark Harrington

Spaces in between
Mark Harrington’s works could seem like purely formal experiments. For the artist, however, they are more than that. He wants his painting to have an effect, for the canvas to evoke a mood in the viewer, a mood that is initially hidden in the material behind the surface.
Harrington believes in a sensual, emotional and even spiritual dimension to his work. But his but his paintings also make the viewer think, questions arise: are his works, which as ditpychen always consist of two parts, a search for the balance of the elements? Is it about harmony and balance, stability and dynamics, continuity and pauses, symmetry and differences, order and disorder?
Alternating between the intransigent, hermetically sealed on the one hand and the light and sensual on the other, between the strange and the seductively beautiful, the pictures reveal their diversity ni the logic of reduction.
The surfaces leave an irritation: they are smooth, soft and muted, and although the lines seem to be embedded in the painted background like marquetry, as if they were behind a veil, the colours seem luminous and brilliant!
The large rectangles Mark Harrington produces are repeatedly sanded, then covered with several layers of gesso mixture and sanded again until a Renaissance fresco finish is achieved. In this way, his paintings are reminiscent of objects, partly because of the solid wooden structure that supports the canvas. on which then lies a thick layer of acrylic paint.
As with fresco, colours are applied in complex layers at great speed while the fast-drying gesso is still wet, thus pigments are absorbed ni the surface and do not bind on it, but (as in fresco) in its interior. The colours work and are inseparable from
the structures that hold them.
The artist works quickly and freehand. but however controlled and perfected the process may be through
his experience may be, there is always also a quick, unpredictable intuition which counterplay to his conceived composition.
This process of “discovering-while-doing” is not necessarily a surrealistic automatism or a quest from the world of ideas of the of the existentialists, but arises inevitably out of the from the demands of his technique, his materials and his body.
Because Harrington makes a point of emphasising the physicality of the works, he creates nuanced transitions between opacity and transparency, between hard edges and colour bleeding. As a final step, Harrington covers the painted bands. He adds a semi-transparent pigment, a milky pigment that continues to veil the colour, soften the edges and bind the gesso-chalk mixture before it is wiped off while still wet. This further blurs image and object, further emphasising the traditional interactions between two and three dimensions that defined pre-modern and modern 1997 painting. The sculptural effect is that the paint recedes even further into the background, our consciousness expands to such an extent that paint and image and wood become one.



Mark Harrington

1952 born in California, USA
1971-1975 BA Hons, Sculpture and History of Art, Sheffield PT, UK
1975-1977 MA Modern English Literature, University of Reading, UK
1977-1980 Stone Restoration, France and England
1977-1980 Propsmaker and Art Director – Film Industry, London
1979-1990 Lecturer and Course Director, College of Art and Design, Portsmouth, UK
1989-1992 Director/Consultant, Palo Alto School of Art, Barcelona, Spain
1993-1995 Guest Lecturer, Vestlandets Art Academy, Bergen, Spain
1995-1997 Head of bi-demensional Fine Art at Vestlandets Art Academy, Bergen, Norway
1997-1999 Principal, Nordland Art and Film School, Kabelvag, Norway since 1985 Freelance artist

Exhibitions (selected)

1985 Furniture by MH, Designer Saturday, Liberty &Co., London
1986 ACelebration of the Visual Art, paintings and furniture by MH, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth, UK
1987 Galleria Lorenzelli, Milan, Italy
1994 MH, Carlos Jimenez Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
1995 Selected New York, Galeria Carlos Jimenez, Barcelona, Spain
1997 Paintings by MH, Gallery S.e., Bergen Gallery Solvberget, Stavanger, Norway
1998 Paintings 1995-1997, Gallerie F15, Moss, Oslo, Norway Gallery artists, Galleri S.e., Bergen, Norway North-Paintings MH, Mackintosh Museum, Glasgow
1999 MH Paintings, Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter, Svolvaer, Norway
MH Recent Work, Galleri S,e. Bergen, Norway
Exposicio 40×40, Galeria Trius, Gallery of Líntel &Nusser, Munich
Ateliers Boschof, Munich
2000 MH Work in Process, Villa Waldberta, Munich
MH Recent work, Künstlerwekstatt Lothringerstraße, Munich
2001 MH Paintings, … a short walk down a long avenue, Galerie von Lintel & Nusser Munich, MH New York Project Rome, Gallery Brandstrup, Oslo, Norway
Mediterranean vs. American Abstraction, Galerie von Lintel& Nusser, Munich, Germany
2002 Contemplation and Ethical Action, Villa Bosch, Radolfzell Mark Harrington, Painting, Diocese Museum, Freising, (solo)
2003 The Heavens of Painting, Credit Suisse, Palais am Lenbachplatz, Munich
Mark Harrington, Kora, Recent Paintings, Nusser & Baumgart Contemporary, Munich (solo)
2004 Mark Harrington, New Works, Global Art Source, Kürsnacht near Zurich, Switzerland (solo)
2006 Track and Field, Nusser & Baumgart Contemporary, Munich (solo)
Tiptoe down to Art, exhibition Camera Artis Munich
Gallery Florian Trampler, Diessen am Ammersee, Germany (solo)
West Coast Painting, Gallery Biedermann, Munich
2007 Paintings 2007, Lazard, Brussels (solo)
Kaske Foundation, Munich, Germany (solo)
Paint it Blue, ACT Art Collection Siegfried Loch, exhibition Weserburg, Museum of Modern Art, Gallerie S.E., Bergen, Norway
2008 San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, USA (solo)
Christian Dam Galleries, Oslo, Norway (solo)
The Shadow-Line, San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA, (solo)
2009 Gallery Nusser & Baumgart Contemporary, Leipzig, Easy/ West, Edward Cella Art+Architecture, Santa Barbara, CA (solo)
2010 Gallery Costa, Pontresina, Switzerland
Depth of the Field, Edward Cella Art + Architecture, Los Angeles, CA (solo)
2011 Interspaces, Weserburg Museum, Bremen, (solo)
Framed abstraction: mark, symbol, Los Angeles
Municipal Art Gallery
2012 Untitled Journey, Bakersfield Museum of Art, Bakersfield, CA (solo).
2016 FlowFineArt Gallery, Hitdorf