In Martin Sieverding’s sculptures, the structure becomes the architectural framework, the colour surface its own fabric, its own colour skin. The phenomenon of shadow becomes part of the artwork itself. The varied white colour grows to become the bearer of meaning in this group of works. The bleached, frozen, snow-covered, spun effect refers to Martin Sieverding’s precise powers of observation. In the plasticity of his objects, the artistic processes continue to have an effect despite the reduced colour palette.
Since 2011, he has been represented at numerous exhibitions in NRW. The artist, born in 1961, has his studio in Mülheim an der Ruhr.
Workflow: A Painting in Time Lapse
Martin Sieverding
Born 1961 in Oberhausen, grew up in Duisburg. After dropping out of his architecture studies, various jobs, mainly as a cook and guitar teacher. After several long stays in Buenos Aires, he began teaching Tango Argentino. At the same time, intensive artistic work, especially in the field of painting. Studio in Mülheim an der Ruhr
Exhibitions (selected)
Group exhibitions
2021/22 Gallery Flow Fine Art, Hitdorf 2020 “Winter Gallery”, Annual Exhibition Mülheimer Künstlerbund 2019 Revierkunst Herten 2019 40th Duisburger Akzente “Utopias 2018 Revierkunst Herten 2017-21 various group exhibitions at Galerie an der Ruhr, Mülheim 2016 artpu:l Emmerich
Solo exhibitions (selection)
2021 “Intronaut” Gallery an der Ruhr, Mülheim 2020 TRANSFIGURES 2, Gallery Tirimarga La Palma 2019 “Transfigures” Gallery an der Ruhr, Mülheim 2019 “Heteroglyph” Mercatorhalle in the Citypalais Duisburg 2018 “Deconstructures” Gallery on the Ruhr, Mülheim 2017 Kunstraum Am Schwanentor in the context of the 38th Duisburger Akzente 2016 “50 Pictures – 50 Lives” Kunstraum Am Schwanentor, Duisburg
2021 Painting 2018-2020, Flow Fine Art Gallery 2021 Intronaut, Martin Sieverding, painting, objects, paper 2018-2021 2019 Wolkenkuckucksheim – Fool’s paradise, objects and painting, catalogue Duisburger Akzente 2018 Deconstructures, Martin Sieverding 2017-2020 2017 Schichtungen – Beyond surfaces, catalogue Duisburger Akzente 2015 50 Lives, An insight into the pictorial work of Martin Sieverding